
How To Use Bananas For The Frizzy Hair

Bananas, coconut milk and honey might sound more like ingredients for a tropical smoothie, but the combination is actually an effective deep hair conditioner. It’s easy to make, will nourish your hair and leave you with soft, smooth and shiny locks.
Bananas are rich in potassium that strengthens hair, minimizes breakage by restoring your hair’s natural elasticity, and facilitates repair of damaged hair. Bananas also moisturize your hair as they contain natural oils and about 75% water.
Strong, moisturized hair also is less prone to frizzing and tangling. In addition, the fruit is packed with vitamin A, B6, C and E, as well as zinc and iron.
  1. Mash one ripe banana with a fork until there are no lumps. Mix in one-fourth cup of yogurt. Then add two tablespoons each of honey and olive oil.
  2. Apply the mask all over your hair and scalp. Put a shower cap over your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes to an hour.
  3. Rinse your hair and then shampoo and condition as usual.
  4. Do this once a week.